Give today to bring hope to people in Tanzania!  image

Give today to bring hope to people in Tanzania!

Consider partnering with AFTN by giving a gift monthly! Scroll down to see the list of our current needs.


Current Needs

1. Building the Giving Hope Hospital Cost: $1,000,000

Access to medical care is a critical need in the communities we serve. We are committed to establishing the Giving Hope Hospital to provide consistent medical services to those who would otherwise go without. Your contribution will help us construct and equip this vital facility, bringing hope and healing to countless lives.

2. Building an Auditorium on Our School Campus Cost: $40,000

An auditorium on our school campus will serve as a hub for educational and community events. It will provide a space for students to showcase their talents and for the community to gather for various activities. Your support in building this auditorium will enhance the overall educational experience and community engagement.

3. Purchasing Land to Expand New Beginning School Campus Cost: $15,000

A piece of land connected to New Beginning is available. We are running out of space and would like to build additional facilities and classrooms as we continue to grow.

4. Purchasing Land for Our Vocational School Campus Cost: $50,000

We are excited to expand our vocational training programs, but to do so, we need to acquire additional land. This new campus will empower individuals with valuable skills and opportunities for employment, breaking the cycle of poverty. Your donation will help us secure the land and provide a brighter future for many.
To donate, please click the "Donate" above or contact us for more information on other ways to contribute. Your generosity is deeply appreciated, and we thank you for being a part of our mission to make a positive impact in Tanzania.

Asking for the Nations is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Asking for the Nations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The Asking for the Nations' tax identification number is 26-0556074. AFTN makes every effort to use donations where they are designated, but reserves the right to use donations where they are needed most.